Please view the following policies before applying for them. To apply for any of the policy please contact the examination department.

A student can apply for ‘I’ grade for a course after satisfying the following criteria.

  1. If the student missed final examination of a course due to a genuine reason for example, serious illness/death in immediate family or important official assignment may apply for ‘I’ grade within three weeks from the date of the final exam held, with sufficient documentary evidence in support of his/her request.
  2. Absences should not exceed the allowed limit in the course during the semester, as per students Absence Policy.
  3. The students would not be eligible for ‘I’ grade for a course, if aggregate marks in two hourly exams/midterm exam are less than 60%, despite the fact the total marks including sessional marks are more than 60 %. In such case, sessional marks would not be considered. The student has to secure at least 60 % aggregate marks in the two hourly exams/midterm exam in the course, in order to pass the course.
  4. Student should not miss 1st or 2nd hourly exam/midterm exam to be eligible for ‘I’ grade.
  5. After the above eligibility criteria is satisfied, student will be charged Rs. 1,000 being ‘I’ grade processing fee for changing his/her existing grade to ‘I’ grade after the approval of Controller of Examination.
  6. The student being awarded ‘I’ grade will have to appear in the final examination of the subject course in the subsequent semester.
  7. Students are not eligible for both the ‘I’ grade and Special ‘I’ grade / Weightage simultaneously in the same course.
  8. ‘I’ grade of the student would be changed to letter grade by Rector subject to following two conditions:
  1. If he/she scored at least 60% marks in the final exam, these marks would be added to previous aggregate marks of hourly exams and sessional marks to determine the final letter grade.
  2. If the student failed to appear in final exam in the subsequent semester his/her ‘I’ grade will be revoked, and ‘I’ grade would be changed to previous grade.
  1. The student will inform the Examination Department through e-mail the name of the faculty and the section of the course for appearing in the exam as ‘I’ graded student.
  2.  There is no role of the faculty in the ‘I’ grade case. Therefore, student will not be allowed to email/contact directly to faculty for the same.
  3. If due to some genuine reasons as specified in point no.1 above, the student was not able to appear in the final exam in the subsequent semester, he/she may apply for extension in ‘I’ grade with sufficient documentary evidence. In case the course is not offered in the next semester the extension will consequently be transferred next to next semester.
  4. The extension in ‘I’ grade may be allowed due to clash of date of final exam of current course with final exam of the ‘I’ graded course.

Note: The competent authority has the right to accept or reject the ‘I’ grade and/or extension in ‘I’ grade request/case at any stage without assigning any reason. The decision of competent authority will be final and cannot be challenged in any forum.

After the final exam results have been posted, a student can apply for rechecking of his answer script of final exam or term project if he/she has certain doubt in marking of the said answer script/term project by his faculty member within three weeks after the announcement of result of the examination Following steps would be required to be taken by the student for rechecking of his/her answer script.


    1. The student has to ensure before applying that he/she has scored at least 60% aggregate marks in both the hourlies exams/midterm exam & final exam and has completed 80% class attendance (absences should not exceed the allowed limit as per Absence policy during the semester.
    1. The student is required to pay Rs. 1,000 rechecking fees in accounts department that will issue receipt to the student against this payment.
    1. The student will collect a rechecking form from examination department, fill in the required information and submit it back to examination department along with original receipt of Rs. 1,000. During rechecking of answer script by the faculty member, if the change in marks is found due to counting or calculation error, the rechecking fee will be refunded to the student.
    1. Examination department will attach answer script of final exam required to be rechecked, with the rechecking form and send it to the relevant HOD who will get the answer script rechecked by neutral faculty member.
    1. In case of any change in marks of question(s), faculty member will mention question-wise previous marks, corrected (revised) marks, reason for change in marks and grade in the relevant columns of the rechecking form and sign the same. The change in marks and grade if found appropriate, will be reviewed by the HOD and approved by the Dean. They will also sign the rechecking form for having reviewed and approved the change in marks and grade of the student. In case of no change in marks or grade the faculty member will mention “no change in marks.” The rechecking form and the answer script may be sent back to examination department for further action.
    1. In case of change in marks and grade, examination department will compile the revised result of the student after the change in a separate rechecking compilation form. This form shows detail of previous marks and grade before rechecking and add to the previous total marks, the updated marks given by faculty member after rechecking to ascertain total revised marks and revised grade. The compilation form is checked, rechecked and signed by the competent authority and sent to Registrar and Rector for approval and to record change in the previous marks and grades.


Note:   The competent authority has the right to accept or reject the Rechecking request/case at any stage without assigning any reason. The decision of competent authority will be final and cannot be challenged in any forum.

A student can apply for Weightage for a course after satisfying the following criteria.

  1. If the student misses any of the two hourly exams for a course due to a genuine reason such as, serious illness/death in immediate family or important official assignment may apply for Weightage within a week from the date of missed hourly paper, after submitting sufficient documentary evidence in support of his/her request. Weightage applicability will be determined on the basis of atleast 60 percent marks secured in final exam of the course. No request for weightage will be entertained after two weeks of the date of the paper.
  2. The student will mention complete detail of the missed hourly exam including; semester, course, name of faculty, and date of missed hourly exam.
  3. Weightage will be applied on the basis of absences as per the Absence Policy by the end of semester and should have obtained at least 60%  marks in final exam.
  4. The student will be charged Rs.2000. being Weightage case processing fee.
  5. After scrutiny and verification of weightage case, the Examinations Department will inform the concerned faculty and student regarding the approval of weightage.
  6. Method of applying weightage: Weightage will be calculated on the basis of percentage marks obtained by the student in his/her final exam (40 marks). That percentage will be applied on 15 marks of missed hourly exam.


Suppose a student secures 30 marks out of 40 that is 75%

Student missed first hourly or second hourly exam of 15 marks

Weightage marks for missed hourly will be 75% of 15 marks that is 11.25 (15*.75)

 Another method is (30/40) *15=11.25.

  1. Weightage is not allowed on missing single mid-term exam.
  1. In case of missing single midterm exam, student may apply for Special ‘I’ grade as per relevant policy.

Note:   The competent authority has the right to accept or reject the Weightage request/case at any stage without assigning any reason. The decision of competent authority will be final and cannot be challenged in any forum.

Institute provides an opportunity to the students for improvement of CGPA if it is below 2.5 in undergraduate and 3.0 in Graduate program. Student wishing to improve his grade in any course is eligible to reappear in that course with exemption in attendance provided he has secured at least C- in that course in undergraduate and C in Graduate program.

Student will only appear in first hourly (15 marks), second hourly (15 marks) and final exam        (40 marks), of the subject course.

Grade and GPA will be determined on the basis of aggregate marks secured in first hourly, second hourly and final exam out of total 70 marks.

Previously obtained Marks and grade will be compared with the new one and whichever is greater will be considered for CGPA.

Duration of graduation period might be extended due to repeat courses.

A student can apply for Special ‘I’ grade for a course after satisfying the following criteria.

  1. If the student missed both the hourlies exams/midterm exam of a course due to a genuine reason for example, serious illness/death in immediate family or important official assignment may apply for Special ‘I’ grade within two weeks from the date of both the hourlies exams/midterm exam, with sufficient documentary evidence in support of his/her request.
  2. Absences should not exceed the allowed limit in the course during the semester, as per students Absence Policy.
  3. The student should has secured at least 60 % aggregate marks in both the hourlies exams/midterm exam as Special ‘I’ graded student.
  4. The student should not miss the final exam to be eligible for Special ‘I’ grade.
  5. If the student meets the eligibility criteria, student will be charged Rs. 2,000 being Special ‘I’ grade processing fee for changing his/her existing grade to revised final grade (after taking the exams of the Special ‘I’ grade awarded course) in subsequent semester.
  6. The student will inform the Examination Department through e-mail the name of the faculty and the section of the course for appearing in the exam as Special ‘I’ graded student.
  7. There is no role of the faculty in the Special ‘I’ grade case. Therefore, student will not be allowed to email/contact directly to faculty for the same.
  8. The status of Special ‘I’ grade student is subject to following two conditions:
  1. If he/she scored at least 60% marks in both the hourlies exams/midterm, these marks would be added to previous aggregate marks of final exams and sessional marks to determine the final letter grade.
  2. The student could not be considered eligible for Special ‘I’ grade course, if aggregate marks in two hourly exams/midterm exam are less than 60% (as Special ‘I’ graded student) and 60% marks in final exam, despite the fact the total marks including sessional marks are more than 60%. In such cases, sessional marks would not be considered
  1. If the student fails to appear in the 1st or 2nd hourly exams/midterm exam in the subsequent semester his/her Special ‘I’ grade would be revoked.
  2. If due to some genuine reasons as specified in point no.1 above, the student was not able to appear in both the hourlies exams/midterm exam in the subsequent semester, he/she may apply for extension in Special ‘I’ grade with sufficient documentary evidence. In case the course is not offered in the following semester the extension will consequently be transferred to next semester.
  3. The extension in Special ‘I’ grade may be allowed due to clash of dates of 1st or 2nd hourly exams/midterm exam of current course with the 1st or 2nd hourly exams/midterm exam of the Special ‘I’ grade course.

Note: The competent authority has the right to accept or reject the Special ‘I’ grade and/or extension in Special ‘I’ grade request/case at any stage without assigning any reason. The decision of competent authority will be final and cannot be challenged in any forum.

•    If students know they will miss a class (for a valid reason), they should be required to inform the instructor in advance and provide appropriate documentation.

•    Students need to submit the required documents for medical reasons, family emergencies, and participation in university-related activities.

•    Students must maintain a minimum attendance requirement to be eligible for exams. 

Important Note: Regular absences are not to be taken without valid reasons. Exhausting regular allowed absences without justification does not entitle a student to automatic additional absences.


Regular Policy¹

Umrah Leaves²

Sports Activities³

Medical Issues⁴

Other Issues (Compassionate Grounds)⁵

Weekday Classes (1.5 hours)

4 absences allowed (Maxmimum 6 hours)

Included in regular absences (No special Permission)

Regular policy + 1 additional (with Head of Sports approval and proper documentation)

Regular policy + up to 2 additional (with proper medical documentation)

Regular policy + up to 1 additional with documentation

Weekend Classes (3 hours)

2 absences absences (Maxmimum 6 hours)

Summer Session

Maxmimum 6 hours


1.    Regular Policy¹:

•    Weekday Classes (1.5 hours): Students are allowed to avail 4 absences.
•    Weekend Classes (3 hours): Students are allowed to avail 2 absences.
•    Summer Classes: Students are allowed to avial 6 Hours only.

2.    Umrah Leaves²:
•    Umrah leave of TWO weeks (FOUR absences) for weekdays and (TWO absences) for weekend are allowable for a course on production of sufficient evidence, and are subject to the approval by the Relevant HoD.  Total absences, however, should not exceed the allowed absence limit.
•    There are no extra leaves allotted for Umrah. Students need to plan their Umrah within the allowed regular absences.

3.    Sports/Society Activities³:
•    The Head of Sports/society adviser must justify and approve absences due to official sports activities. Student must plan their regular absences accordingly 
•    For Weekday classes: regular policy 1 additional absence permitted.
•    For Weekend classes: regular policy + 1 additional absence permitted.

4.    Medical Issues⁴:
•    Absences due to medical emergencies require hospital documents, lab reports, diagnoses, and prescriptions from registered doctors; diagnoses written on the prescription are not allowed.
•    For Weekday and Weekend classes: 2 additional absences may be adjusted, subject to the severity and documentation of the medical emergency.

5.    Compassionate Grounds⁵: (for situations like the death of an immediate family member or marriage (own).
•    One additional absence may be considered under compassionate grounds for both Weekday and Weekend classes.


•    If a student accumulates more than the approved number of absences in a course, he/she will automatically be awarded an “F” grade in that particular course.
•    A student will not be eligible to apply for weightage/special “I” grade or “I” grade in case the absences exceed the allowed limit.
•    In case of the circumstances beyond the control of students, Rector may condone further absences, case to case bases.

Hajj leave:
•    Hajj leave of THREE weeks (SIX absences) for weekdays and (THREE absences) for weekend are allowable for a course on production of sufficient evidence, and are subject to the approval by the Dean.  Total absences, however, should not exceed the allowed absence limit.