1. Students of MBA (Regular) program after completion of all courses with at least 3.00 CGPA
  2. Students of MBA (Specialized) program after completion of all courses with at least 3.00 CGPA without required job experience.

Students meeting the above criteria are required to register online at the following link

Rs.5,000/= (Rupees five thousand only) payable to the Institute of Business Management through virtual account. (Students commencing their program before Fall Semester, 2016 are exempted)

Students will appear in one major & two non-major subjects of one hour each as detailed below:

Major (1 Hour) Non-Major (1 hour each)
Finance Marketing HRM
HRM Finance Marketing
Marketing Finance HRM
Islamic Banking & Finance Marketing HRM
Logistics & Supply Chain Management Marketing Management
Accounting Marketing HRM
Management Marketing Finance

Students will appear in one major subject of three hours as detailed below:

Major (3 hours)
Media Management
Finance & Risk Management
Environment & Energy Management
Industrial Management
Educational Management
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Management Information Systems
Health & Hospital Management
Entrepreneurship & SME Banking & Finance
Development Studies

Students who have done their majors in two subjects (i.e: Specialized course and another course (HRM/ Marketing/ Finance) will appear in both the major subjects of 1 1⁄2 hour each

Islamic Banking & Finance Click Here

Management Information Systems Click Here

Health & Hospital Management Click Here

Environment & Energy Management Click Here

Logistics & Supply Chain Management & Total Quality Management Click Here

Educational Management  Click Here

Finance & Risk Management Click Here

Media Management Click Here

Industrial Management Click Here

Marketing Click Here

Human Resource Management Click Here

Finance Click Here

Management Click Here

Development Studies Click Here

Entrepreneurship & SME Banking & Finance Click Here

Accounting Click Here

  • The comprehensive examination is of three (3) hours duration
  • It is mandatory to pass Comprehensive Examination for obtaining the Official Transcript and MBA degree
  • Students are allowed two attempts maximum to pass the comprehensive examination. A third attempt may be availed subject to Dean’s approval only.