




College of Engineering and Sciences

Course Detail

Electrical Engineering graduates are empowered to ensure the growth of the electrical, electronics and telecommunication industry through their technical expertise and entrepreneurial spirit. BE (EE) program is accredited by PEC and students can specialize in either electronics or telecommunication streams. Successful completion of BE (EE) automatically qualifies the students for MS/MBA programs.

The program is Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) approved (see PEC Schedule) and designed in close consultation with leading engineering firms and scholars from reputable academic Institutions. The Electrical engineering curriculum is a four-year degree program comprising 8 semesters. The emphasis on laboratory work, experimental knowledge and innovative teaching methods. One of its special features is an Internship of 6 to 8 weeks in a reputable engineering organization. During the first four semesters, the same courses are offered to all students. At the end of the fourth semester, students are allowed to select either of two of the above mentioned areas of specialization. The course work offered in the last four semesters is especially designed to enhance students’ knowledge of area of interest and provide them thorough understanding about the advanced subjects in that particular area of specialization.

Completion of course work with 2.5 CGPA and 139 credit hours with internship automatically qualify students for the Master’s programs offered by IoBM. They can also proceed further for postgraduate studies or work in the fields of Telecommunication and Electronics at leading universities and organizations throughout the world. IoBM course credits are easily transferable to a number of international universities. BE (EE) program is spread over 18 session per semester.

Click here to view Electrical Engineering Department Page

Engineering careers in firms providing solutions for building automation, industrial control for processes and machinery, IOT based control and monitoring of environment, water supply and quality, pollution, road congestion, agriculture yield, energy supply, bor- ders, logistics, safety, security, natural disasters etc.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  1. In a few years after graduation, EE graduates will be able to apply fundamental and advanced conceptsin the electrical engineering domain, to become analytical problems solvers, exhibit creativity in design and development of solutions and lead solutions of complex engineering problems in a structured way making best of modern tools.
  2. The graduates will be successful engineering professionals who have confidence, skills in communication, project management and ethical values applicable to the modern workplace.
  3. The graduates will be identified as entrepreneurial engineers  motivated to make learning an on-going life-long process leading to sustainable development in societal and environmental context.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Students will be given between 2 to 3 years to complete the degree allowing them to choose their own work load with a minimum of three courses in the first semester and two onwards. They will also be allowed a time period of 3-6 months for the completion of their dissertations (though strict compliance with initial deadline submitted by them will be enforced).

PLO-1:  Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PLO-2: Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

PLO-3: Design/Development of Solutions: An ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PLO-4: Investigation: An ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical way including literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis and interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid conclusions.

PLO-5: Modern Tool Usage: An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.

PLO-6: The Engineer and Society: An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solution to complex engineering problems.

PLO-7: Environment and Sustainability: An ability to understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.

PLO-8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.

PLO-9: Individual and Team Work: An ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team, on multifaceted and /or multidisciplinary settings.

PLO-10: Communication: An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PLO-11: Project Management: An ability to demonstrate management skills and apply engineering principles to one’s own work, as a member and/or leader in a team, to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment.

PLO-12: Lifelong Learning: An ability to recognize importance of, and pursue lifelong learning in the broader context of innovation and technological developments.

Area  Course Code/Title
Communication COM100 Foundation English**


COM106 Functional English
COM108 Communication Skills
COM208 Technical Report Writing
Electronic Engineering ELE200 Electronic Devices and Circuits
ELE201 Digital Logic Design
ELE202 Electronic Workshop Practices
ELE370 Instrumentation and Measurements
ELE419 Linear Control Systems
ELE420 Power Electronics
ELE450 Senior Design Project I
ELE451 Senior Design Project II
Computer Engineering CME102 Fundamentals of Computing
CME104 Computer Programing and Problem Solving
CME203 Data Structures and Algorithms
CME205 Microcontroller and Microprocessor Systems
CME301 Computer Communication and Networks
Electrical Power Engineering EPE101 Linear Circuit Analysis
EPE200 Electrical Network Analysis
EPE201 Computer Aided Engineering Design
EPE302 Electrical Machines
Telecommunication Engineering TCE201 Communication System
TCE204 Electromagnetic Field Theory
TCE205 Signal and Systems
TCE301 Probability Methods in Engineering
TCE321 Wave Propagation and Antennas
TCE404 Digital Signal Processing
TCE450 Senior Design Project I
TCE451 Senior Design Project II
Engineering Management ENG203 Engineering Economics
Mathematics MTH107 Calculus and Analytical Geometry
MTH204 Linear Algebra
MTH215 Differential Equation
MTH216 Complex Variable and Transforms
MTH405 Numerical Analysis
Religious Studies / Ethics REL101 Islamic Studies OR
SSC203 Ethical Behavior
General Sciences GSC103 Applied Physics
Entrepreneurship ENT403 Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Management MAN418 Management and Organizational Dynamics
Political Sciences PSC301 Pakistan Studies
Community Service ENT3088 Social Advocacy and Community Service OR
SSC100 Community Service
Inter-Disciplinary Engineering IDE401 Principles of Applied Mechatronics
IDE402 Renewable Energy Methods
IDE403 Project Management
Applied Physics (3+1)
Funtional English I (3+0)
Linear Circuit Analysis (3+1)
Fundamentals of Computing (2+1)
Calculus & Analytical Geometry (3+0)
Electronic Workshop Practices (0+1)
Linear Algebra (3+0)
Islamic Studies (2+0)
Business and Professional Speech (2+0)
Basic Electronics (3+1)
Computer Programming & Problem Solving (2+1)
Electrical Network Analysis (3+1)
Pakistan Studies (2+0)
Digital Logic Design (3+1)
Data Structure & Algorithms (3+1)
Complex Variables & Transforms (3+0)
Computer Aided Engineering Designs (0+1)
Electronic Devices and Circuits (3+1)
Signals & Systems (3+1)
Differential Equations (3+0)
Interpersonal Communication Skills (3+0)
Electromagnetic Field Theory (3+0)
Microcontroller & Microprocessor Systems (3+1)
Electrical Machines (3+1)
Numerical Analysis (3+0)
Linear Control Systems (3+1)
Instrumentation and Measurements (3+1)
Probability Methods in Engineering (3+0)
Elective I (3+1)
Engineering Economics (2+0)
Communication System (3+1)
Digital Signal Processing (3+1)
Power Electronics (3+1)
Elective II (3+1)
Elective III (3+1)
Management and Organizational Dynamics (3+0)
Senior Design Project I (0+3)
Renewable Energy Methods (3+0)
Elective IV (3+1)
Community Service (0+1)
Senior Design Project II (0+3)
Small Business and Entrepreneurship (3+0)
Principles of Applied Mechatronics (3+1)
Stream 1: Electronic Engineering
ELE415 Opto-Electronics
ELE417 Industrial Electronics
ELE423 Digital Control Systems
ELE422 VLSI Design
ELE429 Introduction to Nano Technology
ELE428 Digital Electronics
ELE433 Artificial Neural Networks
ELE430 Solid State Devices
ELE434 Introduction to Smart Grid Technology
ELE432 Wireless Power Transmission
CME414 Digital Image Processing
CME301 Computer Communication Networks
Numerical Analysis (3+0)
Linear Control Systems (3+1)
Electrical Machine (3+1)
Computer Communication Networks (3+1)
Probability Methods in Engineering (3+0)
Elective I (3+1)
Engineering Economics (2+0)
Digital Signal Processing (3+1)
Communication System (3+1)
Wave Propagation and Antennas (3+1)
Elective II (3+1)
Elective III (3+1)
Management & Organizational Dynamics (3+0)
Senior Design Project I (0+3)
Renewable Energy Methods (3+0)
Elective IV (3+1)
Social Advocacy and Community Service (1+1)
Senior Design Project II (0+3)
Small Business and Entrepreneurship (3+0)
Principles of Applied Mechatronics (3+1) OR
Project Management
Stream 2: Telecommunication Engineering
TCE415 Transmission and Switching Systems
TCE416 Digital Communications
TCE420 Information Theory and Coding
TCE423 RF and Microwave Engineering
TCE424 Radar Systems
TCE425 Telecom Management
TCE426 Electromagnetic Compatibility
TCE427 Antenna Theory and Design
TCE428 Mobile and Pervasive Computing
TCE429 Teletraffic Engineering
TCE430 Satellite Communication
TCE431 Digital Filter Design
TCE432 Optical Networks
TCE433 Multimedia and Optical Fiber
TCE434 Wireless Sensor Networks
TCE461 Wireless and Mobile Communications
TCE471 Optical Fiber Communication
CME414 Digital Image Processing

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