CES Vision

CES Vision is to develop entrepreneurial engineers can meet the future challenges of the industry and who have the technical skills and confidence to create new engineering technologies and design innovative engineering products and processes, thereby enabling them to become successful professionals locally and globally. The vision is derived from IoBM’s vision to be among the leading institution of higher learning nationally and internationally.

CES Mission

To provide transformational and change leadership and management for the development of economy and society through excellence in character, professionalism, education and research.


Dr. Muhammad Imran Majid

HoD Electrical Engineering Department

CES’s commitment to its vision and mission can be seen from its strategic focus on international accreditation’s, development of entrepreneurship for job creation, emphasis on leadership through social entrepreneurship, engagement with industry through experiential learning, mentoring of students by industry leaders, faculty development through impactful intellectual contributions, stimulation of critical thinking for creativity and innovation, and a lively and thriving culture of student activities. Our commitment to innovation, engagement and impact can be seen through the rigor, research and relevance of our processes, faculty and the degree programs. Our faculty and students are leading through example and through them we would create an impact on economy and society that is a source of pride to their families, community, country and the planet.

Click here to view Electrical Engineering Department Page

Why Study at CES?

Institute of Business Management creates an environment for students to reach their full potential. With a purpose built campus with state of the art facilities and multiple student societies organising various events, students are groomed to be all rounders ready to take up any challenge given to them.
