




College of Economics & Social Development

Course Detail

This multidisciplinary undergraduate program combines two key social science disciplines, Economics and International Relations with Media, adding a third dimension that can result in a better appreciation of forces that affect our business and personal lives today. From an academic standpoint all three disciplines have evolved significantly in recent years. Economics today relies more on mathematical and statistical models for substantiation of its theoretical base, international relations has extended beyond its intellectual parameters to embrace real-world dynamics, and media studies having found an ally in science and technology, in this digital age.

The program includes core courses in the respective disciplines as well as current issues and hotly debated topics like food security, Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) versus organic farming, Political Economy Issues, Trade Roots and Economic Corridors, CPEC, etc. This will not only makes the courses interesting, but increases the marketability of the students.

The BS Economics, Media and International Relations (EMI) program will require students to complete 48 courses i.e. 144 credit hours of coursework. Internship of six weeks duration in a firm approved by the Institute is also obligatory.

Learning Outcomes
  • Demonstrate knowledge of significant theories of international relations

  • Identify the foremost institutions of international relations

  • Examine international issues from local and international perspectives

  • Understanding media literacy in fulfilling national objectives

  1. Diplomatic service officer

  2. Government social research officer

  3. Intelligence analyst

  4. Policy officer

  5. Political risk analyst

  6. Public affairs consultant

Area  Course Code/Title
Communication COM107 Academic English
COM202 Business and Professional Speech
COM205 Persuasive & Analytical Writing for Bus. Com.
Pakistan Studies PSC301 Pakistan Studies
Language LAN 10* Foreign Language I
*1 = Introduction to Arabic
*2 = Introduction to French
*4 = Introduction to German
*6 = Introduction to Italian
*8 = Introduction to Chinese
LAN 20**Foreign Language II
**1 = Intermediate Arabic
**2 = Intermediate French
**4 = Intermediate German
**6 = Intermediate Italian
**8 = Intermediate Chinese
Area  Course Code/Title
Economics ECO101 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO102 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO206 Mathematical Economics
ECO207 Game Theory
ECO301 Managerial Economics
ECO304 Introduction to Econometrics
ECO307 Monetary Theory and Policy
ECO310 History of Economic Thought
ECO314 Contemporary Issues in Macroeconomics
ECO315 Microeconomic Analysis
ECO316 Macroeconomic Analysis
ECO321 General Equilibrium and Welfare Economics
ECO322 Applied Econometrics
ECO323 Development Economics
ECO402 Pakistan Economic Policy
ECO407 Analysis of Pakistani Industries
Mathematics MTH103 Calculus for Business Decisions
Statistics STA203 Probability Theory & Statistics
STA402 Model and Inferences
International Relations BIR301 Introduction to IR
BIR302 Political Geography
BIR303 World Politics
BIR305 Religion, Culture and International Relations
BIR306 Borders in a Globalized World
BIR307 Energy Politics
BIR308 Peace Building and Conflict Zones
BIR309 Trade Routes and Economic Corridors
BIR311 Strategic Studies
BIR312 Globalization
BIR313 History and Practices of Diplomacy
BIR314 Confidence Building Measures
Media MMM304 Media Literacy
MMM310 News Writing and Reporting
MMM316 Sub-Editing and Page Design
MMM318 Business Journalism
MMM328 Methods in Media Research
MMM329 Creative Writing Workshop
MMM360 Introduction to Photography
MMM367 Digital Journalism
Islamic Studies REL101 Islamic Studies
Elective Courses
ECO406 Money and Banking
ECO415 WTO, Disputes & Settlement
ECO418 Resources and Environmental Economics
ECO419 Agriculture and Food Security
ECO508 Issues and Political Economy
ECO509 Islamic Economics
ECO518 Governance and Public Policy
BIR501 Science and Technology in IR
 Semester One Semester Two Semester Three Semester Four
Academic English
Calculus for Business Decisions
Introduction to Photography
Principles of Microeconomics
Introduction to IR
Principles of Macroeconomics
Persuasive & Analytical Writing for Business Communication
Pak Studies
Microeconomic Analysis
Probability Theory & Statistics
Political Geography
Foreign Language I
Business and Professional Speech
Macroeconomic Analysis
Foreign Language II
World Politics
Media Literacy
Development Economics
Mathematical Economics
History and Practices of Diplomacy
Confidence Building Measures
Model & Inferences
Creative Writing Workshop
 Semester Five Semester Six Semester Seven Semester Eight
Managerial Economics
Game Theory
Strategic Studies
News Writing and Reporting
Introduction to Econometrics
Islamic Studies
General Equilibrium and Welfare Economics
Religion, Culture and International Relations
Borders in a Globalized World
History of Economic Thought
Contemporary Issues in Macroeconomics
Sub-Editing and Page Design
Pakistan Economic Policy
Monetary Theory and Policy
Energy Politics
Peace Building and Conflict Zones
Applied Econometrics
Business Journalism
Analysis of Pakistani Industries
Trade Routes and Economic Corridors
Methods in Media Research
Digital Journalism
Elective I
Elective II

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