Actuarial Science & Risk Management
College of Computer Sciences & Information Systems
BS in Actuarial Science and Risk Management equips graduates with mathematical and statistical skills and expertise of tools that help in assessing risk in insurance, finance and other relevant industries and professions.
A BS in the Actuarial Science and Risk Management program is intended to provide students with the tools of risk analysis, transfer and financing that are critical to the operation of private and public institutions, and to prepare them for careers in risk management and insurance. As a risk management major, a student will gain a broad business background with an emphasis on accounting, finance and law, as well as a thorough knowledge of all types of insurance. BS in Actuarial Science and Risk Management is a four-year degree program. It requires completion of 144 credit hours of course work and 2 credit hours of internship of at least six weeks in an organization approved by the Institute. Students graduating with a CGPA of 2.5 on the scale of 4 are eligible to apply for MBA program offered by the Institute.
Area | Course Code/Title |
Accounting | ACC101 Introduction to Financial Accounting |
Communication | COM107 Academic English COM205 Persuasive & Analytical Writing for Bus. Com |
Economics | ECO101 Principles of Microeconomics ECO102 Principles of Macroeconomics ECO304 Introduction to Econometrics |
Finance and Risk Management | FRM201 Principles of Risk Management FRM202 Life and Other Contingencies FRM204 Enterprise Risk Management FRM206 Institutional Investments FRM302 Computational Methods in Risk FRM304 Risk Financing Techniques FRM310 Project |
Management | MAN101 Principles of Management |
Marketing | MKT301 Principles of Marketing MKT404 Methods in Business Research |
Actuarial Science | ARM201 Introduction to Actuarial Science ARM501 Stochastic Process/Modeling ARM601 Models of Financial Economics-I ARM602 Models of Financial Economics – II |
Finance | FIN201 Introduction to Business Finance FIN406 Financial Econometrics FIN503 Corporate Finance FIN507 Portfolio Management FIN509 Financial Derivatives |
Language | LAN 10* Foreign Language I LAN 20** Foreign Language II *1 = Introduction to Arabic *2 = Introduction to French *4 = Introduction to German *6 = Introduction to Italian *8 = Introduction to Chinese **1 = Intermediate Arabic **2 = Intermediate French **4 = Intermediate German **6 = Intermediate Italian **8 = Intermediate Chinese |
LAW | LAW401 Business Law |
Mathematics | MTH104 Calculus I MTH105 Calculus II MTH204 Linear Algebra MTH209 Financial Mathematics I MTH210 Financial Mathematics II MTH211 Actuarial Mathematics MTH405 Numerical Analysis |
Statistics | STA203 Probability Theory and Statistics STA205 Probability Theory and Statistics II STA210 Sampling Theory STA301 Model and Inferences STA302 Methods of Data Analysis STA303 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting STA305 Applied Regression Analysis STA307 Decision Theory STA309 Loss Models I STA310 Loss Models II |
Political Sciences | PSC301 Pakistan Studies |
Religious Studies | REL101 Islamic Studies |
*Indicates MBA level courses
Area | Course Code/Title |
Finance and Risk Management | FRM503 Corporate Risk Management FRM504 Theory of Risk and Insurance FRM505 Corporate Treasury and Risk Management FRM506 Financial Regulation for Risk Management FRM508 Financial Market Issues and Crisis FRM510 Energy Risk Management FRM512 International Risk and Financial Reporting FRM513 Project Risk Management FRM514 Takaful and Risk Management in Islamic Products FRM516 International Financial Reporting and Standards FRM517 Property Risk Management FRM518 Management of Insurance Institutions |
Computer Sciences | CSC103 Structured Programming Language |
Semester One | Semester Two | Semester Three | Semester Four |
Academic English Principles of Microeconomics Foreign Language I Probability Theory and Statistics Calculus I Islamic Studies |
Introduction to Financial Accounting Probability Theory and Statistics II Calculus II Principles of Macroeconomics Financial Mathematics I Introduction to Actuarial Sciences |
Principles of Marketing Linear Algebra Model and Inferences Introduction to Business Finance Persuasive & Analytical Writing for Bus. Com. Financial Mathematics II |
Numerical Computing Business Law Introduction to Econometrics Principles of Management Pakistan Studies Method of Data Analysis |
Semester Five | Semester Six | Semester Seven | Semester Eight |
Financial Derivatives Actuarial Mathematics Principles of Risk Management Stochastic Processes Financial Econometrics Corporate Finance |
Portfolio Management Life and Other Contingencies Enterprise Risk Management Sampling Theory Models in Financial Economics I Methods in Business Research |
Institutional Investments Models in Financial Economics II Applied Regression Analysis Computational Methods in Risk Mgmt. Loss Models I Elective I |
Decision Theory Loss Models II Risk Financing Techniques Time series Analysis &forecasting Project Elective II |
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