
Business Management




College of Business Management

Course Detail

The mission of the PhD program in Business Management is to develop scholars with the ability to create and impart knowledge through rigorous research, be independent thinkers, contribute to industry and society while adhering towards ethical and sustainable practices.


MS/MPhil. or equivalent graduates from HEC-recognized institutes meeting the following criteria: A minimum CGPA of 3.00 on a scale of 4.00 or equivalent.

  • A minimum CGPA of 3.00 on a scale of 4.00 or equivalent.
  • A minimum of 17.5* years of schooling that corresponds to MS/MPhil or Equivalent degree from HEC recognized institutions in a relevant discipline.
  • GAT subject test conducted by the NTS with a minimum of 60% marks or a Minimum of 70% marks in the IoBM test.
  • An interview conducted by the Institute.
  • Any other HEC stipulated requirements.

*HEC equivalency is required. The candidate may have to undergo additional deficiency courses wherever required.

Course Code Course Title
MPM605 Survey of Current Research Literature in Management
MPM612 Advanced Research Methodology
MPM625 Quantitative Research
MPM616 Econometrics
MPM626 Qualitative Research

Note: Pre-requisites may be assigned according to the level of previous work and academic credentials.

* Compulsory Pre-Requisite Courses

Course Code Course Title
PBM711 Advanced Qualitative Research & Philosophy
PBM712 Advanced Quantitative Research
PBM713 Research Writing & Techniques
PBM714 Independent Research Study
PBM715 Theories in Business Management
  Program Elective(s)
Course Code Course Title
PBM831 Advanced Topics in Finance
PBM816 Advanced Topics in HRM
PBM822 Organizational Behavior and Strategy
PBM813 Marketing Theory
PBM824 Strategic Marketing Decisions
PBM818 Seminar in Supply Chain and Logistics Management
PBM820 Empirical Asset Pricing Models
PBM819 Forecasting and Financial Time Series

After Completion of the course work, a PhD student has to pass a written comprehensive exam, and viva-voce in front of a doctoral committee.

Dissertation (30-credit Hours)

After completing the courses and successfully passing the comprehensive exam, a student has to register for research thesis and complete the following requirements:

  • Proposal Development
  • Proposal Defense (Within first 02 semesters OR on or before completion of 12 Credit hours of dissertation)
  • Continuous enrollment in supervised research is necessary during the thesis stage
  • Semester-wise progress review is necessary for continuous enrollment during thesis stage**
  • Completion of Ph.D. Dissertation/Thesis
  • Publication or official acceptance of at least one paper in an HEC recognized (Impact Factor)*** journal
  • Open defense of Ph.D. dissertation
  • Final Dissertation/Thesis submission to BASR
  • Any other HEC requirement

**students may register in PBM921 Research Thesis (3 Units), PBM922 Research Thesis (6 Units) based on the satisfactory semester- wise progress review. Further, the registration in the subsequent semester would be subject to the satisfactory comments of semester progress review committee.

*** HJRS, Category X and above.


Minimum 3 Years, Maximum 8 Years

Fall Semester

PBM711 Advanced Qualitative Research & Philosophy PBM712 Advanced Quantitative Research

PBM713 Research Writing & Techniques

Spring Semester

PBM714 Independent Research Study PBM715 Theories in Business Management Program Elective

Second Year

Fall and Spring Semesters

PBM922 Research Thesis (Proposal in up to two semesters)

Third Year

Fall and Spring Semesters

PBM922/23 Research Thesis

Course registrations are subject to course offerings. All courses may not necessarily be offered every semester. Program electives may vary from time to time. Alternate elective courses may be substituted as an when required. In a given semester, students may register for a maximum of three courses (09 credit hours).

It is mandatory for research students of MS and PhD programs to attend research proposal/ thesis defense and multi-disciplinary research seminar sessions in each semester on Saturdays (12:00 to 2:00 PM). At least 60% attendance is required.

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