
Business Administration




College of Business Management

Course Detail

MBA program is designed to produce transformational, ethical and change leadership for businesses and industry through an integrated curriculum and experiential learning and prepares graduates for business challenges emerging from globalization, connectivity and technology driven innovations. The program is designed to produce a skilled pool of business leaders possessing multidisciplinary expertise. A distinguishing feature of the program is the academic ecosystem of experiential learning which immerses the student in a cycle of “learning by doing” through reflection. Case studies and project work are among the pedagogies used for delivery of the curriculum content. A significant value adding feature is the 6 credit hours of a Graduate Capstone Project divided into two 3 credit hour components. Students undertake, individually or in small groups, a real life project with a company that addresses a real life issue which, through the application of multidisciplinary knowledge and skills acquired during MBA studies, helps in more profitable and competitive decision making and implementation in the organization. This project is jointly supervised and evaluated by a faculty member with aligned skills and interest and an industry mentor and is evaluated in an open exhibition by executives and faculty. A Capstone Project report has to be converted into a publishable case study as a part of the degree requirement.

Structure of MBA program

CBM’s MBA program is a 72 credit-hour program that most students can complete in two years. It is designed for students with a minimum of 16 years of education with degrees in a wide range of disciplines such as business, commerce, engineering, law, science, medicine, the arts and pharmacy. CBM MBA programs share a unified structure consisting of a foundation stage followed by the specialization stage. The foundation stage of the MBA program fulfills the minimum eligibility requirements of HEC to switch from a non-business major at the bachelor stage to a master level program in business as per PQF, Pakistan Qualification Framework. It consists of 30 credit hours. The foundation stage consists of 30 credit hours of coursework from areas such as Communication, Economics, Quantitative Analysis, Behavior/ Psychology, Accounting, Finance, Law/Ethics, Management, HRM, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, and Research. The specialization stage consists of 36 - 42 credit hours of coursework covering strategic and operational areas of functional and domain-based specializations. The courses are in areas related to Marketing Strategy, Strategic Finance, Strategic Management, Leadership, Technology/Operations, Entrepreneurship, Organizational Processes, Analytics for Decision Making, etc. Students select two real life Capstone Projects in their area of specialization during their final year. MBA students must select, at the time of admission, from one of the following shifts for their entire program; morning week-days, evening week-days and week-ends. Functional area specializations are available in all three shifts.  Domain based specializations are only available during weekends.

  • MBA students, who have completed their business relevant bachelor program from IoBM, are exempted from the 30 credit hours of the Foundation Stage of the standardized 72 credit hours MBA Program.
  • Applicants with 4 year bachelor degree from IoBM in a non-business discipline can claim up to 6 course exemption from the foundation stage for the equivalent courses completed in the bachelor program.

Foundation Stage The foundation stage covers areas such as accounting, finance, marketing, economics and management in addition to other preparatory course work necessary for applicants coming from background unrelated to business studies. The foundation stage prepares the students for the higher level MBA courses. The program is divided into a foundation stage of 30 credit hours followed by the 36-42 credit hours of rigorous MBA level courses and the capstone project dealing with strategy and business transformation.

ACC419 Financial Accounting   

ECO409 Business Economics                

STA411  Quantitative Analysis for Decision Making         

LAW409 Corporate and Business Law                

COM402 Business Communication

FIN408 Theory and Practice of Financial Management 

Human Resource Management
HRM410 Managing Human Capital

MAN418 Management and Organizational Dynamics

MKT402 Marketing Management
MKT404 Methods in Business Research

Semester One
Financial Accounting (ACC419)
Business Communication (COM402)
Business Economics (ECO409)
Marketing Management (MKT402)
Managing Human Capital (HRM410)
Management and Organizational Dynamics (MAN418)

Semester Two

Quantitative Analysis for Decision Making (STA411)
Consumer Behavior (MKT509)
Methods in Business Research (MKT404)
Entrepreneurial and Small Business Management (ENT403)
Theory and Practice of Financial Management (FIN408)
Corporate and Business Law (LAW409)


Semester Three

Business Analytics for Decision Making (MAN606)
Strategic Financial Analysis and Design (FIN601)
Marketing Strategies and Value Innovation (MKT610)
Elective 1
Elective 2

Capstone I

Semester Four

Strategic Management (MAN612)
Technology Operations and Innovation (MAN608)
Leadership, Ethics and Change (HRM606)
Elective 3
Elective 4
Capstone II

For courses related to your specialization area please see the catalog

Semester One
Emerging Organizational Models for Dynamic Change
Marketing Strategies and Value Innovation
Elective I
Elective II

Semester Two
Technology, Operations and Innovation
Strategic Financial Analysis and Design

Elective III
Elective IV

Semester Three
Business Analytics for Decision Making
Leadership, Ethics and Change
Capstone Project I

Semester Four
Capstone Project II

Students selecting a functional area specialization major given below are expected to have completed the 30 credit hours of foundation stage (page No. 37) of the MBA program. The specialization stage consists of 42 credit hours of course work covering strategic and operational areas. They specialize in one of the following functional areas to complete their degree requirements:

  • Marketing: Aims to empower students to use critical thinking, experiential and active learning to become leaders in a challenging and demanding environment
  • Management: Aims to instill in each student a desire to learn, accept challenges, and develop an enquiring mind essential formaking a difference in the dynamic global business scenario; in fact in all facets of their lives and communities they become part of
  • Finance: Offers courses in finance, incorporating the latest concepts and theories in the related fields and their practical applications to the business world. The program aims to develop fully equipped professionals to face challenges of the industry. Students may also elect courses from Islamic Banking and Finance major.
  • Accounting: Specialization in accounting will expand the breadth of your understanding of accounting concepts and prepare you for application of modern accounting practices opening new job avenues.
  • Human Resource Management: The Human Resource Management concentration will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the strategic HR management techniques that will help you take on senior management responsibility in the field. The program covers the whole spectrum of HR-related issues, from workforce leadership and performance evaluation to organizational behavior and change management.
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management: The program aims to develop supply chain professionals and innovative leaders with research capabilities & entrepreneurial skills who can improve the world and advance management practices.

During the specialization stage, students take 12 credit hours of strategy courses, 9 credit hours of operational level courses, and 12 credit hours of elective courses. In addition, students select two real life Capstone Projects (6 credit hours) in their area of specialization during their final year.

The functional area specialization track is available in three mutually exclusive shifts: weekends, weekday mornings, or weekday evenings.

The candidate must select a shift at the time of filing the application. Students are expected to complete all the courses of their program in their designated shift. 

MBA’s domain specialization is designed for building careers in specific field such as Health & Hospital Management, Media Management & Marketing, Environment & Energy Management, Logistics & Supply Chain Management etc.

Students selecting the domain based specialization are expected to have completed the 30 credit hours of foundation stage (page No. 37) of the MBA program. Specialization stage consists of 42 credit hours of course work covering strategic and operational areas. These include courses in the area of Marketing Strategy, Strategic Finance, Strategic Management, Leadership, Technology/Operations, Entrepreneurship, Organizational Processes, Analytics of Decision Making, etc. During the specialization stage, students take 12 credit hours of strategy courses, 9 credit hours of operational level courses, and 12 credit hours of elective courses.

  • Health & Hospital Management: is designed for building careers as healthcare leaders, managers and decision makers in hospitals, pharmaceutical industry, NGOs, and other allied healthcare institutions. The specialization of Health and Hospital Management provides an environment of continual learning for its faculty and students, and focusses on development of the leadership skills like creative and critical thinking, decision making, team building and entrepreneurial expertise among the students so that they can generate market driven results. It continuously refines and caters to the needs, demands and expectations of the healthcare industry. The department uses state of the art teaching methodologies for capacity-building of the future healthcare leaders who are trained to be sensitive to the needs of society, and to promote ethical practices in the healthcare businesses with the objectives of serving the community and the nation.
  • Media Management & Marketing: program seeks to develop quality human resource, capable of playing strategic leadership roles across a variety of mainstream traditional and new media organizations, as well as top-level consumer marketing companies.
  • Environment & Energy Management: aims to prepare future decision-makers in companies, government and non-governmental organizations for analyzing and acting in an environmentally proactive and energy efficient way when making decisions about policy, production and resource utilization in energy generation, transmission and load management.
  • Logistics & Supply Chain Management: specialization addresses strategic economic and process-oriented technical problems in logistics, supply chain management across industries and across countries. It covers complexities of moving goods across regions with diverse compliance requirements.
  • Industrial Management: focuses on real life problems relating to industrial processes and discrete manufacturing. It focuses on project management, quality management, manufacturing effectiveness, logistics, warehousing and supply chain management.
  • Finance and Risk Management: is designed to cover financial decision making with special emphasis on Risk Management including recent development in Corporate Risk Management, Sustainable Risk Management and Risk Financing techniques.
  • Educational Management: provides knowledge, skills and tools required for 21st century leadership and management for educational institutions in the fast-changing economy. Students selecting the domain-based specialization in MBA Educational Management program are expected to have completed 30 credit hours of foundation stage of the MBA program.

Majors in Accounting
ACC602 Advanced Managerial Accounting
ACC605 Financial Legal Framework
ACC607 Introduction to Forensic Accounting
ACC608 Audit, Taxation and Accounting Policy
ACC609 Cases in Corporate Reporting

Majors in Marketing
MKT501 Strategic Marketing and Planning
MKT602 Marketing Analytics
MKT605 Pricing Models and Strategies
MKT611 Integrated Marketing Communications
MKT613 Marketing of Financial Services
MKT615 Brand Management
MKT618 Advertising Management and Strategy
MKT621 Marketing Strategies for Emerging Economies
MKT622 Marketing Strategies for Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP)
MKT623 Pharmaceutical Marketing & Quality Assurance
MKT625 Business to Business Marketing
MKT626 Marketing for Social Impact
MKT627 Future Marketing Technologies
MKT628 Competitive Strategies
MKT629 B2B Sales by Simulation/Gamification
MKT630 Growth Marketing

Majors in Finance and Banking
FIN506* Investment Banking and Security Analysis
FIN514* Asset and Liability Management
FIN612* SME and Micro-Financing
FIN633* Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring
FIN634* Enterprise Risk Management
FIN602**Behavioral Finance
FIN603** Entrepreneurial Finance
FIN610**Debt and Equity Markets
FIN613** Financial Modeling for Investment Decisions
*Choose two courses
** Choose two courses

Majors in Human Resource Management
HRM612 Strategic Human Resource Management
HRM617 HR Analytics
HRM618 Managing Diversity & Inclusion in Organization
HRM619 Talent Acquisition
HRM620 Labour Studies and Employee Relations
HRM621 Learning and Organizational Development
HRM622 Negotiations and Conflict Resolution Skills
HRM623 Managing Organizational Change
HRM624 Talent Management and Performance Development
HRM625 Total Rewards Management

Majors in Management
MAN501 Total Quality Management
MAN611 Project Management
MAN613 Corporate Governance
MAN 502 Business Process Re-engineering

Majors in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
SCM601 Quantitative Methods in Production and Logistics
SCM602 Business Process Mgmt. in Supply Chain & Logistics
SCM603 IT Applications in Logistics
SCM604 Packaging Design and Environmental Aspects
SCM605 Supply Chain Management
SCM606 ERP Systems Design and Implementation
SCM607 Strategic Supply Chain Management
SCM608 Procurement and Inventory Management
SCM609 Storage and Warehouse Techniques
SCM610 Transportation Techniques and Management
SCM611 Sustainability & Env. Aspects in Managing Supply Chains
SCM612 Risk Management in Supply Networks
SCM613 Innovation Management in Supply Chain and Logistics
SCM614 Corporate Consultancy Project in Logistics
SCM615 Contract Management for Supply Chain & Negotiations
SCM616 Life Cycle Enterprise Asset Management
SCM617 Mobile Commerce and Mobile Logistics
SCM618 Aviation Logistics Supply Chain Management
SCM619 Humanitarian Logistics Supply Chain Management
SCM620 Supply Chain Project Management
SCM621 Lean Construction Supply Chain Management

Majors in Islamic Banking and Finance
ISF601 Economics for Islamic Finance
ISF602 Islamic Banking Practices
ISF603 Accounting for Islamic Finance
ISF604 Islamic Financial Services Marketing
ISF605 Islamic Capital Markets
ISF606 International Islamic Finance Standards
FRM514 Takaful and Risk Management in Islamic Products

Majors in Entrepreneurship
ENT503 Competitive Strategies for Startup
ENT504 Technology Support for Small Business
ENT505 Innovative Internet Based Business Models
ENT506 Guerrilla Strategies in Business
ENT507 Affordable Design and Frugal Innovation
ENT508 Commercializing and Monetizing Ideas
ENT509 Building and Managing Start-Up Teams
ENT510 New Venture Finance
ENT511 Managing Family Business
ENT512 Growth Hacking Strategies
ENT513 Design Thinking and Strategy

Elective Courses for MBA Health and Hospital Mgmt.
MHM605 Financial Management of Health Services
MHM606 Concepts of Primary Healthcare
MHM607 Introduction to Epidemiology
MHM608 Pharmaceutical Marketing and Quality Assurance
MHM609 Marketing of Health Services
MHM610 Population and Health
MHM611 Environmental Health Assessment & Management
MHM612 Hospital Administration
MHM613 Regulatory Affairs at Healthcare Industries
MHM614 Product Management
MHM615 Pharmaceutical Sales Management
MHM616 Project Management of Health Services
MHM617 Seminar in Health Policy Management
MHM618 Health Communications
MHM619 Healthcare Human Resource Management
MHM621 Supply Chain & Prod. Mgmt. in Pharma. Inds.
MHM622 Quality Management in Healthcare
MHM623 Pharmaceutical Branding
MHM624 Occupational Health and Safety
MHM625 Knowledge Management for Health Managers
MHM626 Workplace Well-being for Healthcare Managers
MHM627 Global and local Public Health Challenges and Practices
MHM628 Pharmacovigilance

Elective Courses for MBA Finance and Risk Mgmt. Finance and Banking
FIN403 Islamic Banking and Finance Finance and Risk Management
FRM503 Corporate Risk Management
FRM504 Theory of Risk and Insurance
FRM505 Corporate Treasury and Risk Management
FRM506 Financial Regulation for Risk Management
FRM508 Financial Market Issues and Crisis
FRM510 Energy Risk Management
FRM512 International Risk and Financial Reporting
FRM513 Project Risk Management
FRM514 Takaful and Risk Management in Islamic Products
FRM516 International Financial Reporting and Standards
FRM517 Property Risk Management
FRM518 Management of Insurance Institutions

Elective Courses for MBA Educational Management
EDM624 Innovations and Technology in Education
EDM621 Edupreneurship in the Changing World
EDM654 Lifelong Learning in Changing Contexts
EDM656 Teacher Education
EDM625 Distance Learning in the 21st Century
EDM606 Global Trends in Education

Elective Courses for Environmental & Energy Mgmt.
EEM603 Air and Noise Pollution Management
EEM604 Coastal Environment and Management
EEM605 Climatic Changes and its Impact
EEM606 Natural Resources Management
EEM607 Hospital Waste Management
EEM608 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
EEM609 Energy Audit
EEM610 Energy Conservation
EEM611 Energy Planning
EEM612 Environmental Ethics
EEM613 Public Awareness for Environment and Energy Sector
EEM615 Risk and Disaster Management

Elective Courses for MBA Industrial Management
INM601 Facilities Planning
INM602 Maintenance Management
INM603 Industrial Safety, Health, and environment
INM604 Enterprise Life Cycle Management
INM605 Industrial Technology Management
INM606 Operation Research
INM607 Enterprise Risk Management
INM608 Logistic and Inventory control
INM609 Advance Production Planning & Control
INM610 Integrated Manufacturing Systems
INM611 Advance Manufacturing Processes
INM612 Industrial Supply Chain Management
INM613 Total Quality Management
INM614 Project Management
INM615 Operation Management

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