Parliamentary Group Discussion
On behalf of the Department of Communication and Languages, Institute of Business Management (IoBM), Ms. Shumaila Omer, Assistant Professor, Communication Department, and her students of Speech hosted a Parliamentary Group Discussion in collaboration with students from Institute of Business Administration (IBA) on Tuesday, April 17, 2018. Participating in this group discussion were 15 students from IBA and 10 students from Greenwich University. Besides the presence of Dr. Syed Irfan Hyder, Dean CBM and CES, this event was largely attended by IoBM’s students and faculty.
Ms. Maria Hassan was the lead guide for the event as she has been practicing at IBA for the last three years. The motive of holding this event was to bring this concept of parliamentary group discussion to IoBM. Participating students mimicked the British form of parliamentary group discussions on topics given prior to the discussion. These students performed really well, amazed the audience and impressed Dr. Syed Irfan Hyder. Students from Greenwich and IoBM attended as keen observers and shared pleasant thoughts on this event.
This was for the first time such an event took place at IoBM and we hope this activity will become part of our curriculum. Dr. Syed Irfan Hyder distributed certificates and shields to Ms. Shumaila Omer who moderated IBA students and Miss Maria Hassan who moderated IoBM students.