National Mission – Global Vision: "Young Entrepreneurs of Pakistan"

Highlights of Mr. Talib S. Karim, IoBM President’s speech at the event


Talib Syed Karim has always been emphasizing the need for IoBM students to pursue entrepreneurial projects to become job creators and not job seekers. He shared with the audience the importance IoBM attaches to entrepreneurship education and training.

He regarded entrepreneurs as an important source of adding value to the economy. IoBM President also stressed upon the need for the development of case studies based on business failures along with business success, so students can learn from both perspectives.

Talib Karim also expressed his deep inclination for IoBM alumni who have become successful entrepreneurs to give back to the society. He said such alumni can share their insights and ideas on entrepreneurship and challenges faced while setting up a business venture with IoBM students at the IoBM Incubation Center.

Moazzam Husain, distinguished faculty at IoBM, made an awe-inspiring speech guiding young entrepreneurs with a truly remarkable revelation to distinguish between mercenaries and missionaries over the entrepreneurship horizon, that how important it is to learn from the twists and turns and ups and downs in business and see failures as signpost to success.

Kazi Sajjad, Editor-in-Chief, “Regional Times” and CEO, Solutions 1 believed success stories of young entrepreneurs emanate in letter and spirit that there is no country in the world except Pakistan that offer glorious opportunities for business and investment and that it is a land of promise and potential for positive thinkers and doers.


Arsalan Hashmani, CEO, Hashmanis Group of Hospitals, a Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) and a graduate from the University of Waterloo, Canada shared with the audience that the learning he received during his graduate studies greatly helped him in pursuing professional excellence as CEO of Hashmanis Group of Hospitals.


Many a young Pakistani have such an inherent creative glimmer that continues to enable them in utilizing their promise and potential towards life and career excellence and for a better and brighter Pakistan. “National Mission – Global Vision: Young Entrepreneurs of Pakistan”,  was beyond a classroom project turned mega event assigned by faculty, Mr. Parvez Jamil to his students of Public Relations and Event Management at the Institute of Business Management (IoBM), Karachi. Gracing this occasion with their inspiring presence were IoBM’s Mr. Talib Syed Karim, President, Ms. Sabina Mohsin Executive Director and Dr. Muhammad Mahmud, distinguished, caring and sharing faculty. This program was largely-attended by young and prominent entrepreneurs and well-placed IoBM alumni amid packed-to-capacity, highly-disciplined and inquisitive IoBM students with their respective faculty.

Mr. Talib Syed Karim has always been emphasizing the need for IoBM students to pursue entrepreneurial projects to become job creators and not job seekers. He shared with the audience the importance IoBM attaches to entrepreneurship education and training. Meanwhile, Mr. Parvez Jamil, highlighted the need for the youth with business ideas to attune themselves to creative economizing rather than merely seeking sponsors. He added that young entrepreneurs with creativity, passion and positive thinking are national assets.

Invited to this occasion were such young entrepreneurs of Pakistan, IoBM alumni and multinational CEOs and COOs including Mr. Arsalan Hashmani, CEO, Hashmanis Group of Hospitals; Mr. Saad Jangda, CEO and Founder of; Mr. Kazi Sajjad, Editor-in-Chief, “Regional Times” and CEO, Solutions 1; Mr. Moazzam Husain, distinguished faculty of IoBM; Mr. Tanveer Farooq, Proprietor and Director Operations at Globex International Travels and Tourism Services (Pvt.) Ltd.; Mr. Faisal Imtiaz, HR Specialist, Talent and Employer Wellbeing, Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Limited; Mr. Syed Amir Abbas, Managing Director, Intellexal Solutions; Dr. Tasmia Billo, Director and Head of Sind Medical Stores; Ms. Arshi Mirza, Founder, Sugar Coated (cake business); Mr. Jatin Kewlani, Director Promotions at K.K. Rice Mills (Pvt) Ltd.; Mr. and Mrs. couple in Yasir Longi, a young food catering par excellence; Ms. Samia Ansari, corporate trainer; Mr. Bilal Iqbal, running a real estate business and many others. Also invited to sing some Pakistani melodies were Salman Ahmed, Talha Hussain and Bilal Abdul Wahab.

Young entrepreneurs invited to the event have blended their hard work with pertinent learning they received in universities and are implementing it in practical lives to become symbols of success in business. Guests humbly shared with the audience how they continue to add value to their respective industries and serve Pakistan through businesses by adhering to their values, vision, resources and ideas. Revealing speeches and success stories of young entrepreneurs at this event emanated in letter and spirit that there is no country in the world except Pakistan that offer glorious opportunities for business and investment and that it is a land of promise and potential for positive thinkers and doers.

While Omar Iftikhar coordinated and Basit Chawla assisted Mr. Parvez Jamil, HoD Public Affairs to organize this program, students who were motivated in arranging this event by the faculty especially included Misha Agha, Sufyan Abdul Sattar, Yusra Zaffar, Bilal Iqbal, Fatima Marvi, Salman Ahmed, Muhammad Sarib Badi, Sagar, Mahan Singh, Muhammad Bilal Anwer and Arusa Fatima Jamil.

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